Our Staff Stays Well Informed
At Oral Facial Surgery Associates we make every effort to provide you with the finest care and the most convenient financial options. To accomplish this we work hand-in-hand with you to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures. If you have any problems or questions, please ask our staff. It is our hope that your insurance company will treat you well and provide maximum benefits. The staff is well informed and up-to-date.
At OFSA, we make every effort to provide you with the finest surgical care and the most convenient financial options. To accomplish this, we work hand in hand with you to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures.

Insurance Information
We accept most Insurance Carriers
Call our office to verify that we are on your list!
Aceptamos la mayoría de Aseguradoras. Llame a nuestra oficina para verificar que estamos en su lista!
We accept major credit cards
Oral & Facial Surgery Associates offers many financing options for you. Please remember that you are ultimately responsible for all services rendered by this office regardless of your insurance coverage. If you have any questions concerning treatment plans, charges, and or payment, please contact our finance department for more information. We will be happy to assist you. Please call us at: Lawrenceville Office Phone Number 770-962-9515
We’ll Help You Understand Your Coverage
The goal of our office is to provide you with the best possible care and treatment based upon your examination and symptoms, not based just upon insurance benefits.
We will help in filing claims with your insurance carrier as a service to you. The portion of the bill not covered by your insurance plan is your responsibility. We will do our best to help you understand your coverage, but you may also need to contact your insurance carrier directly.
Contact our offices with any questions.